Budget Billing



Pinedale Natural Gas
PO Box 649
Pinedale, WY 82941-0649


Pinedale Natural Gas
108 N. Jackson Avenue
Pinedale, WY 82941

• Shipments
• Payments - Drop Box


307.367.4427 ( 24/7)  

fax: 307.367.4416

Budget Billings

Our budget billing option gives you the peace of mind knowing that your bill will be the same each month.

You use more gas in winter and less in summer. Under Budget Billing, you pay exactly the same annual total as if you had paid for each month’s use, but the payments are equalized throughout the year.

When you sign up for Budget Billing, PNG will estimate your bills for the next 12 months, and will charge you 1/12th of that amount each month for the next 11 months. The final month will be adjusted to the amount needed to finish out your annual bill, as if you had paid for the amount you used each month. Several rules apply:

  • Residential accounts only.
  • You can start Budget Billing only in the months April to May.
  • Your account must be paid up to date when you start.
  • You must sign up for credit card or automatic bank draft payment.

To sign up for budget billing, please call PNG at 307-367-4427.

For any metering, billing, payment, or balance questions please Contact Us.

LIEAP: The State of Wyoming has a Low Income Energy Assistance and Weatherization Program (LIEAP) to provide help with energy costs:

  • Heating Assistance for the months of November through May
  • Crisis Assistance to eligible clients who are facing an emergency situation in paying utility bills.
  • Weatherization Assistance also funded by the Department of Energy, to make your home more energy efficient. Weatherization includes monitoring for unsafe conditions such as carbon monoxide, poor ventilation and wiring; tuning the heating system, sealing air leaks and insulating buildings and pipes.

Please be advised that PNG cannot sign you up for LIEAP.  However, you can contact them directly. Visit Wyoming LIEAP or call 307.777.7564 for more information.